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That Sacred Place…for a Sacred Moment

There is a special moment of worship that happens occasionally where I sense so strongly the presence of God that all the troubles of the world disappear. I don’t have a care in the world except the glory of God. I call it a sacred place…for a sacred moment… It doesn’t last long, but it lasts long enough that it changes me in that moment! It certainly renews my faith and strengthens me for the journey of life. I find myself filled with tears of joy, resolved that God is more real than I imagined, and determined to serve Him more faithfully. I’ve also learned, through experience, that when these times are more frequent, it often leads to God doing something new in my life, challenging me in a new area, giving me a new passion, even bringing me through a time of testing. (Wow, that’s scary to type, but it’s true.)

I’ll be honest, it doesn’t happen often, but it happened several times this week.

It doesn’t seem to be something I can plan. If it were, I’d stay in that place and moment, but I’ve discovered there are a few things that might trigger such a time:

  • Listening to a special song that was meaningful…
  • Studying a favorite passage of Scripture that has impacted my life…
  • Disciplining myself to be totally removed from the chaos of life…
  • Meditating on one thought…of grace…of His love…of His provisions…
  • When I’m sitting at the beach…or looking at a sunset…or the stars…

Have you ever been in that sacred place and sacred moment as I describe? Have you been there lately?

What triggers those moments for you?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

More posts by Ron Edmondson

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • ronedmondson says:

    Thanks for sharing. Love to hear others stories.

  • @eccle0412 says:

    Glad to read, tears of joy..
    as I have practiced an intentional quiet time daily for decades, I am frequently led to tears…of conviction of sin, or just awe at the presence of God.
    What takes me to a sacred place;
    predetermined time alone (going to bed early enough to get up early enough)
    power of the Word of God (God speaks!)
    pleading with God for His presence (persistent waiting to "get Him")
    physical position (a few moments face down posture)
    Praise (regardless of circumstances)
    Today was one of those sacred days.
    Just amazing…we are talking God here! HERE… I AM

  • timelines says:

    I like to sit alone out side, and just sit there, looking around… I feel so at peace and sometimes I get to hear a few birds in the tree…

  • Josh wooley says:

    Yes. Its been a while. But it’s usually music. That was the big one for me.

  • ronedmondson says:

    Me too…need to do it more.

  • Matt says:

    That's awesome Ron. Those sacred moments are special. I think #3 is what gets me most often. I have a hard time removing myself from the chaos of life. I will say I've discovered I'm a lot more 'in tune' with what God has to say after worshiping for a few minutes. Maybe that helps me forget all the chaos around me.