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He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:40 NIV

I always find that verse interesting.  These were the disciples.  These guys had left everything to follow Him.  Jesus gave them authority to cast out demons.  I don’t have that authority.  These guys had a front row seat to all the best of Jesus’ teachings.  Some of them wrote books of the Bible.

Yet Jesus asked them if they have “no faith”?  What’s up with that?
I think it was because Jesus really does not feel our faith is complete until we are removed of any doubts.  I am not suggesting we will ever get there on earth.  I am certainly not there yet, but I do think that should be our goal.  We should strive daily to continue to grow in our faith and trust in Christ.

We will have days where our faith is so clear we feel we could move mountains and other days where we are barely hanging on to our beliefs, but over time, through a consistent and persistent walk with Christ He molds us into the person He wants us to be.

What would have to occur in your life today for you to take the next step of faith in Christ?   Is He calling you to a deeper level of trust?  Would He be more likely to say to you today, “Do you still have no faith?” or “Well done my good and faithful servant.”?  I realize that can change daily, but we should consider our lives in seasons and examine whether over time we are growing to trust Him more. Are you?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • Cindy says:

    Ron, Thank you for sharing where you are in your Christian life. I think that so often I think I am the only one who is having problems when it comes to the Christian walk. So many people seem to have it all together and not problems. It sure helps with my walk to know that someone who is preaching the word has those problems as well. I so know that God is calling me to a deeper walk. I am so thankful that He is continually working on me. Today is one of those days when He would say “Do you still have faith days.” It is as well encouraging to know that the ones who walked with Him on a daily basis had problems believeing. I certainly want to have more of the days when I can move mountains but I as well realize that I grow more when I am having days when I am not feeling that way. Thank you for sharing and your honesty.