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Are You Surprised By The Path Of Your Life?

By February 27, 2009Christians, Life Plan

In working on an upcoming message on the Biblical character Moses, one observation about his life is that he certainly found himself in places he never expected to be. He was raised in Pharaoh’s home, although he was an Israelite. God chose him to lead the people out of Egypt, even though he was a murderer and a runaway.

I identify with how I suspect Moses may have felt, looking back at the path of his life.

1. I would never have thought I would be a pastor. (Most who knew me years ago wouldn’t either.)

2. I would never have expected others to look to me for leadership, considering my history.

3. I certainly didn’t expect our church to grow at the pace that it has grown.

4. I could never have imagined the spiritual growth I have seen in my wife and boys.

5. I could have never perceived the struggles life has brought to my family and me.

6.  No one could have described for me the grace God would pour out on my life.

Therefore, let me ask you to reflect with Moses and me by asking you a question:

If you look at your life and where you are today, has God taken you places you never expected to be? How has God surprised you with the path He’s had for you in life?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • Erica Faraone says:

    So many surprises! I’ve known since I was little God called me to sing, speak and write. Had now idea I’d ever live in MT and that my husband and I wouldn’t have our own children but would be in the perfect position to adopt three kids when their own dad died. Was surprised to face pain of fibromyalgia and almost more surprised that God has brought such a great recovery from it! I’ve found the key to God’s blessing is walking in submission and obedience. As I’m willing to follow Him step by step, He leads me into great challenges that result in even greater joys. I can’t wait to see what surprises are next. 🙂

  • Ron says:

    Wow, I love reading each of your stories. I can identify with pieces of each one of them. Thanks for sharing.

    Brandon, I was going for the get rich route also.
    Kevin, God does have a sense of humor for sure. I’ve decided to laugh with Him.
    Daniel, I’m excited that you are pursuing your sense of call. I’ve written a lot about the call to ministry, since mine came late in life, check out the category “Call to Ministry”. Also, I’ve been doing online ministry for almost 15 years. I’m currently coaching a couple online start ups. I believe there is still much potential there.
    Dan, amazing, that was my story too with 20 years of business experience. I love how God uses those experiences. Now you are an architect for the Kingdom. Love it! (I love Ravi Zacharias’ teaching. (You must be smart to lead in that organization.)
    Michelle, I’m sorry about the pain you are experiencing in ministry. I would agree God uses those moments to make us who He wants us to be. Hang in there and if I can help with as a sounding board, let me know.

    Love what God is doing around us!

  • I am delighting in seeing how God has been developing me over the course of years, and works with the passions that he’s placed in my heart to allow me to serve with energy and excellence and a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. I am in a place of pain and ultimately growth at the moment in my ministry, but I know God is knocking off some of my rough edges and I’ll be stronger on the other side.

  • Dan Glaze says:

    Ron; Growing up, I thought I would always would be a business owner. I studied Architecture, practiced architecture for 20 yrs and owned by own firm for 10 years. 17 years ago, God led my wife and I to close down my business and join Ravi Zacharias Ministries as Executive Director, which I did for 11 years. I am now with The National Christian Foundation, journeying with God’s people toward generosity. I never thought I would be in minsitry full-time. But, God knew what was best for me and I could not be happier and more fullfilled than I am right now. I am so glad I listened to His still small voice and to my wife.

  • Ron, I have to second Brandon’s comment. Growing up, I never thought I would be a Pastor. Right before college, God got a hold of me and sent me to Bible College, for a pastoral degree and future or so I thought.

    I met a very wonderful young lady there who became my wife, and I am still not employed as a pastor yet.

    However, the Lord has been leading into the creation of a online community called the Issachar Network. My prayer is that it will communicate what the Global Christian community is thinking, praying, and doing in real time. I never would have imagined this being anything close to God”s plan. All I can say is praise God, He takes me where He wills.

  • Kevin M. says:

    I too am surprised by the path God has chosen for my life. If you had come to me 20 years ago and told me (or anyone else for that matter) that I would be a pastor I would have called you crazy. God does have a sense of humour! I am very thankful for His path versus my path though.

  • Brandon Cox says:

    Ron, I couldn’t agree more! I never thought I’d be a Pastor either. I was headed in a totally different direction (something in business, something at which I could get rich or something) and God changed all of that. And I’m so thankful. I’d do it for free!! Awesome thought!