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I have been encouraging people to dream big dreams for years.  I think part of the reason I want others to dream is so that I am justified in my own desire to dream.  I believe dreaming encourages the heart and keeps a mind fresh.  As we begin another year, I hope you have some big dreams.  You will never have a dream for your life bigger than God’s dream for you. 


As much as I believe in dreams and as much as I encourage them, it’s not enough to simply have a vision.  Visions point us towards a direction, but if we never take steps to reach our dreams, most of those dreams never become reality.  Therefore, my latest encouragement to people hasn’t been simply to dream big dreams.  I want people to have a plan in place and work that plan enough to see their dreams come true. 


Today I was reading my Bible (that’s always good for a preacher to do) and I stumbled across a verse that seems to teach this principle. Ecclesiastes is a book of wisdom.  The intention of the writer is to help us learn valuable lessons for life. Here’s what I learned (or had reinforced) today. 


For a dream comes with much business, and a fool’s voice with many words. (Ecclesiastes 5:3)  Lots of people have dreams.  Lots of people spout out goals and resolutions.  Many people, however, never reach the big ideas they have for their life.    Why?  I think it’s because having a dream is easy, but achieving a dream is hard work. 


What is your dream?  Are you willing to pay the price, sacrifice the time, resources and energy in order to see that dream come true?  

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • Renee Garcia says:

    Yes we’re willing… the price is overwhelming, the time is consuming, and my energy is sometimes waning, but the reward is SO SO worth it! We can’t wait to bring our daughter home!!!